30th Anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
World Children's Day and the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child take place on 20 November.
In 1990, the cities that participated at the First International Congress of Educating Cities proclaimed the Charter of Educating Cities, which was based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), among others.
Today, Educating Cities join the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the Convention and still demand the fulfilment of the Rights of the Child.
Many IAEC member cities have prepared activities to celebrate this anniversary together with the International Day of the Educating City, scheduled on 30 November.
We are convinced that children are the citizens of today and that their voice has to be heard to build better, more inclusive and more educating cities. With the aim of strenghtening good practices related to the participation of children, the IAEC takes part in the R&D Project ‘Childhood and Participation’, working closely with the University of Barcelona and other universities.
Don’t miss out on the following experiences undertaken by IAEC cities: http://bit.do/fhVQ4 !
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