7th Brasilian Meeting of Educating Cities in Vitória
Over 110 representatives from 22 cities attended the 7th Brasilian Meeting of Educating Cities which took place on 3-6 April.
Over 110 representatives from 22 cities attended the 7th Brasilian Meeting of Educating Cities on “Creating Secure and Sustainable Spaces for Living Together”, which took place in Vitória on 3-6 April.
The meeting was organised by the Municipaliy of Vitória -coordinator of the Brazilian Network of Educating Cities, REBRACE-, together with the Delegation for Latin America of the IAEC, and with the support of the Ministry of Health and the Pan American Health Organization.
The following cities attended the event: Belo Horizonte, Guarulhos, Horizonte, Nova Petrópolis, Porto Alegre, Santos, Curitiba, Iranduba, Manaus, Fortaleza, Brasilia, Alegre, Aracruz, Cariacica, São Mateus, Serra, Viana, Vila Velha, Campo Grande, Montes Claros, Teresina and Florianopolis. The Director of the Delegation for Latin America of the IAEC, a member of her team and a delegate from Lisbon representing the Portuguese Network also participated.
The concept of Educating City was presented and discussed during the meeting. The importance of raising awareness on the educational impact of the various local policies and initiatives was also reflected upon.
The presentations, panels and debate allowed the exchange of experiences among the participant cities on topics such as safe mobility and the fight against the various forms of violence using an integrated and intersectoral approach, linekd to the promotion of Educating Cities. The event also included study visits to local experiences and projects.
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