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2nd Meeting of Educating and Intelligent Cities: Building Educative Areas

The meeting intends to promote, disseminate and deepen the concept of educating and intelligent city as a strategy for urban and social development in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) cities.

The 2nd Meeting of Educating and Intelligent Cities, organised by the Passo Fundo University with the City Councils of Soledade and Marau takes place on 29-30 August with the participation of Laura Alfonso (Director of the IAEC Latin America Delegation), Guillermo Ríos (Deputy Mayor for Educating and Culture, Rosario/Argentina), Paulo Ricardo Cattaneo (Mayor of Soledade), Ramires Brilhante (delegate from the city of Vitória, Coordinator of the Brazil Network of Educating Cities), representatives from the civil society, Deputy Mayor of Marau (Rui Carlos Gouvêa) and the Deputy Mayor for Education of Carazinho (Sandra Denise Bandeira Guerra).

The event is structured around 4 axes:

  • The pedagogical dimension of public policies and its potencial to educate
  • Educating and Intelligent Cities in the framework of integral education
  • Improvements in public space
  • Innovation and entrepreneurship

More information available here.


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