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General Assembly in Tampere

The General Assembly of the Association will take place on 26th March in Tampere (Finland). Registration is now open!

21-01-2020    Assembly

The City of Tampere will host the IAEC General Assembly (26th March) and the Executive Committee meetings of the Association (26th and 27th March).

Finland is known for the importance it attaches to education; participation at the Assembly is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the educating experiencies developed at the local level.

We have designed a programme of activities on 25-26 March that includes study visits to a Basic Education School, a Multifunctional Centre, an Adult Education Centre and the Vapriikki museum centre and a keynote speech by Olli-Pekka Heinonen (General Director of the National Agency for Education of Finland and Former Minister of Education).

It is also a good opportunity for member cities to exchange experiences and points of view, agree on the 2020 action plan and become familiar with associative life.

The organization has booked a limited number of rooms for those attending the Assembly, with a preferential rate:

  • Reduced rates: 120 EUR / standard single room, 140 EUR / standard double room.
  • Includes buffet breakfast, sauna, WIFI and taxes.
  • Deadline for reservations: 26th February 2020

The reservation and cost of accommodation must be borne by each delegation.

Reservations: Hotel Sokos Ilves

The booking code is: BIAECEC. This code must be indicated when making the reservation to have access to the preferential rate.

Registration in necessary to attend the General Assembly.

Please register HERE by 4 March.

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