The Jury for the 3rd edition of the Educating Cities’ Award for best practices in the Inclusion and the Democratisation of Culture was composed by experts from the Culture world and IAEC Executive Committee members:
Ms. Eulàlia Bosch
Philosophy Professor. In 1984 became a member of the Steering Committee of the Innovation and Research on Teaching Philosophy Group. She run the Group until 1994. From 1995 to 1998 she created and managed the Educational Programme at the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art. She designed and organised the following contemporary art exhibitions, among others: Mysterious Creatures, The Magic Box, See the Light, Remember, I send you this cadmium red, Local Actions, Global Values, Oteiza, Frequencies or Light Years, among others. She authored many articles and the books: “The pleasure of looking” (Ed. Actar 2000), “Education and urban life” (Ed. Santillana, 2008), “A place called school” (Ed. Graó 2009), “Who educates whom” (Ed. Eumo, 2013), “Blue blue elephant: the voices of a school” (Ed. BBE, 2015).
“The life of culture, made up by arts, science and philosophy, it’s human life itself. It has no place for exclusion or inequalities”
Ms. Leila Regina Oliveira Chinelatto
Holds a degree in Pedagogy. Teaches at Sorocaba’s municipal network of education and is currently employed as Pedagogical Development Manager, coordinates the reading programme of the Education Department and is a member of the IAEC Executive Committee, as a technical representative. She holds a postgraduate degree in Special Education and Literacy. She studied Classical Piano and teached music to children in private centers for 15 years.
Officer at Sorocaba City Council, she coordinated the vocation courses at UNITEN (University of the Entrepeneur and Business), she coordinated the multidisciplinary team of special education at the Education Department and she managed the Training Team.
She is teacher trainer and delivers courses and conferences on oral narrative, scenic arts and music for childred at Sorocaba’s network of education.
“Nothing we live makes sense if we don’t touch people’s hearts” (Cora Coralina)
Ms. Marta Llobet
Holds a Degree in Humanities and Intercultural Studies and a Master in Cultural Management. Works at the UCLG (United Cities and Local Governments) Committee on Culture as a consultant on culture and sustainable cities since 2017. Prior to that, she worked at the Center for Studies and Cultural Resources (CERC) of the Barcelona Provincial Council. She participated, among other events, at the 2018 Interaction Seminar aimed at exploring the links between culture and education and targeted at managers and workers in the field of culture,
” Knowledge, creativity, memory, innovation, heritage… are key in the education of people and are also part of its cultural rights. Sustainable cities are learning spaces where people can exercise those rights and explore the links between education and culture”
Mr. François Mesure
Director of Education and Childhood in the city of Rennes since 2014, he holds a Degree in Geography by the Faculty of Geography Bordeaux III and the Poitiers University of Economic Sciences. Among other things, he has worked in urban development issues and public policy. Since 2012, he also holds a competition of Territorial Administrator and Graduate by the National Institute of Territorial Studies.
He has spent most of his career in local governments as General Director, favoring interventions at a local level. He cooperates at a local and national level as a trainer and speaker in the field of childhood and education. He participates actively in the International Association of Educating Cities, and the city of Rennes hosted the 2018 IAEC General Assembly.
“Education is a long process, well beyond political time, which requires virtue, humility and patience. It’s a global and universal challenge, where everyone’s engagement has its place”
Ms. Maria Truñó
Holds a Degree in Political Science, a Master in Social Psichology, a Postgraduate degree in Culture of Peace and Conflict Management and a Postgraduate Degree in Psychosocial Care and Community Action.
IAEC Delegated-Chairwoman and Comissioner for Education at the Barcelona City Council, Former Director of the Barcelona Institute of Childhood and Adolescence, she also managed Childhood and Education Policies at UNICEF and was project coordinator at the Jaume Bofill Foundation and Researcher at UNDP Colombia, among other appointments.
” Making educative and cultural opportunities available for everyone is key to face creatively the huge challenges of personal and collective life and reinforce community links”
Mr. Michel Vallée
Expert in culture with social impact based in the Montreal regon, in Canada (Quebec), Michel Vallée has over 20 years of experience managing municipal cultural and social services.
I AM… stands out among his projects. Thanks to this initative, the city of Vaudreuil-Dorion is regarded as one of the leading cities of the Agenda 21 Culture, and won the 2016 International Award UCLG-City of México-Culture. These projects have also been awarded with over 20 national and international prizes. Mr. Vallée has delivered over a hundred conferences and trainings in Canada and over a dozen in Latin America, Europe and Asia. Author of the practical guide in cultural mediation “What if we met!”, he advises several cities and regions on their reflections on cultural citizenship, citizen participation, cultural mediation and education in the city through culture.
“In our cities, culture and education are the key ingredient for transforming areas into inclusive communities, , of which people are proud to be part”