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VI Biennial of Public Space

The IAEC participates at the VI edition of the Biennial of Public Space "Children and Public Space" which will be held on 13-15 May online.

12-05-2021    Out of Category

Since a better city for children is a better city for all its inhabitants, the event will feature the thoughts of many experts and the presentation of projects on issues such as: public space and learning, games in the city, the role of the school as a community space and the need for an urban space that is child-friendly, inclusive and that considers gender perspective.

The IAEC Delegated President, Maria Truñó, will take part in the conference opening on Thursday, May 13.

The IAEC will also participate in the round table “Learning the city”, to discuss the educational potential of cities together with Andrés Borthagaray (University of Buenos Aires), Fabiola Fratini (University of Rome), Marichela Sepe (University of Naples) and Michele Talia (Instituto Nazionale di Urbanistica).

The event will be broadcasted live from the Faculty of Architecture of the Roma-Tre University with free webinars, open to anyone interested. Simultaneous translation from Italian to English will be available.

Follow the event live at the dedicated Facebook page:

Detailed programme available here.

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