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    • Charter of Educating Cities


      Focus Experience

      << Award to Best Practices for the Promotion of Care in the City


      The jury of the 4th edition of the “Educating Cities Award to Best Practices for the Promotion of Care in the City” is composed by 2 experts (Yayo Herrero and Rodrigo Perpétuo), the cities of Seville and Tampere in representation of the IAEC Executive Committee and CGLU’s Social Inclusion Commission.

      Ms. Yayo Herrero

      Consultant, researcher and teacher in the fields of political ecology, ecofeminism and education for sustainability. She holds a degree in Cultural and Social Anthropology, a Diploma in Social Education and a degree on Agricultural Engineering. Her lines of research focus on ecosocial transitions and cultural change under the approach of sustainability of life.

      She is currently a member of Garúa Cooperative and a professor at various Spanish universities. She is the author or co-author of more than twenty books and regularly collaborates with various media outlets.

      For decades, she has combined her professional activity with active participation in social movements, especially in the environmental and feminist movements, and in social and solidarity economy networks.

      Mr. Rodrigo Perpetuo

      Executive Secretary of ICLEI South America, he is a PhD student at the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences (PROCAM / IEE-USP), economist from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Master in International Relations from the Pontificia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC-MG).

      He has a specialization in business management from the Fundação Dom Cabral and in Decentralized Cooperation from the UOC. In his career he was Head of the International Relations Advisor of the Government of the State of Minas Gerais, City Councillor for International Relations in Belo Horizonte, and was also a professor at institutions such as Ibmec, Fundação João Pinheiro and UniBH.

      “The century of cities is also the century that will redefine the role of cities. In a context of pandemic, violence and re-foundation of the relationship between human beings and nature, that role can only be that of caring for citizens.”


      Ms. M. José Castillo

      Degree in Social Work. She has developed most of her professional career in different municipal areas at Seville City Council, such as Social Services, Health, Education and Special Action Areas, acquiring a holistic vision of municipal public governance.

      With experience in design, planning and implementation of Social Programs, as well as coordination of community social intervention commissions and European programs, in 2019 she joined the Education Delegation to Coordinate the Spanish Network of Educating Cities

      She has published “The social report in the processes of inclusion; analysis of the reality of a homeless person”, by the International University of La Rioja, which collects the interrelation of the emotional experience of the subject throughout his life cycle, in its different dimensions, and the need to create social structures of support and social care.

      “Incorporating the globalization of excellent care in a transversal way in municipal public policies will promote sustainable care networks that nurture the globality of citizenship”


      Ms. Amanda Flety


      Executive coordinator of the UCLG Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights (CSIPDHR) since 2018. She facilitates policy exchanges and peer learning, as well as political debates and international advocacy work among cities around the world and with the UN level.

      She coordinated the international Declaration “Cities for Adequate Housing” in collaboration with the former UN-Special Rapporteur on housing Leilani Farha and 40 cities. She is also in charge of the international program “For caring territories to protect women victims of violence”; she promotes the recognition of the universality of rights and social inclusion of migrants through the UCLG-MC2CM project on human mobility and she co-organizes Gwangju’s annual World Human Rights Cities Forum.

      In 2021, she set up an historical collaboration between UCLG and the UN-OHCHR leading to the global campaign “10,100,1000 Human Rights Cities and Territories by 2030” and the revision process of UCLG Charter-Agenda of Human Rights in the City.  She has a longstanding experience on local and regional government’s practices to translate human rights at the local level and she is committed to strengthen the international movement of Human Rights Cities and Territories. She is also a member of the jury of the annual award of the International Observatory on participatory Democracy (IODP) and a lecturer at the KOICA Fellowship Program at the GIC (Republic of Korea).

      Amanda Fléty Martinez is from France and Chili, she graduated in Geography from Paris 8 University and holds a Master’s degree from the French Institute of Geopolitics.  Previously, she worked for French local governments where she managed projects in the field of local development, slums upgrading, inclusion of migrants, social and solidarity economy and urban ecology. She is particularly involved in issues related to poor and peripheral areas, where she comes from.

      “Transforming our world requires always inventing new practices that adapt to the evolution of local and global realities, but it also requires being able to pass on and share the knowledge acquired over time. The challenges of education are related to the legacy we want to leave, to build inclusive, humane and sustainable cities for the future”


      Mr. Lauri Savisaari

      Director of Education, Culture & Leisure Services, Tampere City Council