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International Day of the Educating City

Many thanks to the over 130 cities that have joined in!

30-11-2022    World International Day

On 30 November we celebrate the seventh edition of the Day, under the slogan: “The Educating City is a city of peace and opportunities”.

On 29 November, the IAEC is organising the online conference: “Education in the 21sth Century. What do we educate for?”, with Valerie Hannon and Pau Gonzàlez Val. In addition, Munich and Sant Boi de Llobregat present the actions they implement to create peace and opportunities.

Over 130 municipalities have shared the activities they will undertake to mark the day, Check it out here.

You can still send us your programme and we will can include it at the world agenda!

This years’ hashtag is #educatingcityday.

Last but not least, do not forget to send us photos and videos of your celebration! Those will be used in the event videosummary we will produce later on.

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