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Season’s Greetings

Message from the IAEC Delegated Chairman.

21-12-2022    Out of Category

On behalf of the entire team of the International Association of Educating Cities and on my own behalf, I wish you, your teams and your loved ones, all the best for 2023.

I sincerely thank all the cities and people who have contributed to the consolidation and extension of the network for your work and your support by animating networks, organizing meetings or by sharing your experiences.

We are reaching the end of the year and it is our desire to leave the pandemic behind. We are convinced that the lessons learned, added to the fact of having a new Strategic Plan approved and a renewed Executive Committee, will allow us to face the challenges of the months ahead with better conditions and new opportunities to continue building more Educating Cities.

I wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year in Peace!

Pau Gonzalez
IAEC Delegated Chairman

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