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9 National Meeting of the Brazil Network

São Paulo acoge el IX Encuentro de la REBRACE: "Promover y fortalecer aprendizajes transformadores en los territorios de la ciudad" los días 4 y 5 de octubre de 2023, donde Curitiba renueva su mandato como ciudad coordinadora para los próximos 2 años.

05-11-2023    Networks

The theme of the meeting is based on the second principle of the Charter of Educating Cities: ‘Broad educational policy,’ promoting the responsibility of all city entities in the education of the population, from local government to civil society organizations and private initiatives. The aim is to favor the development of citizenship in all its dimensions (physical, emotional, cultural, social, and intellectual).

The event takes place at Expo São Paulo and includes the participation of representatives from various cities in Brazil. It addresses the integration of all city actions, transforming it into a knowledge community that facilitates the population’s access to diverse opportunities under conditions of equality and respect. This allows individuals to develop their uniqueness, creativity, and possibilities.


During the event, experiences that exemplify the concept of an Educating City, promoted by municipalities, are presented in the following thematic axes:

  • Lifelong Learning Opportunities.
  • Promotion of Quality of Life and Sustainability.
  • Many Cultures, Many Learning Opportunities.
Selected experiences for the PANEL category:
  • Literary April – From Human Diversity to Literary Diversity (Guarulhos)
  • Solidarity Economy: Educating to Transform Lives (Apucarana)
  • Moon Fair (Pien)
  • My Family, My Home (Concórdia)
  • Mayors in the Square (Porto Alegre)
  • Prism Geek Space and the Training of Contemporary Readers (Passo Fundo)
  • Educating Neighborhood Program: Transforming Lives (Florianópolis)
  • Performing Arts Program: Rescuing Memory Through Theater (Raul Soares)
  • Knowledge Lines Program (Curitiba)
  • Expanding Horizons Project: An Encounter with Quilombola Culture (Horizonte)
  • Connecting Generations Project (Palmeira)
  • More Reading Project, More Readers (Araraquara)
  • Santos in the Light of Reading – Oceanic Culture: Possible Routes for the Decade (Santos)
  • SUAMM – Mauá Women’s Unified Care System (Mauá)
  • Networked Territories. Reforesting the Imaginary (São Paulo)
Experiences selected for the POSTER category:
  • Apucarana United Against Dengue: Where the Mosquito Doesn’t Enter (Apucarana)
  • Biodigesters (São Paulo)
  • Embroidering Resistances – Embroiderers of Alto Alegre (Horizonte)
  • Environmental Education Center (Concórdia)
  • Collective of Reading Mediators Luísa Marques: Reading mediation as a pedagogical device for dialogue about menstruation in Porto Alegre communities (Porto Alegre)
  • Creating an educational city project through its cultural institutions (Porto Alegre)
  • Curitiba Viva Bien – Intersectoral Work of an Educating City (Curitiba)
  • Antiracist Education: Innovative experiences in favor of diversity (Santos)
  • School of Professions (Passo Fundo)
  • FliSampa (São Paulo)
  • Florianópolis, an educating and smart city (Florianópolis)
  • GerAção POA – Work and Solidarity Economy (Porto Alegre)
  • Horizonte: Educating City for Peace and Opportunities/Forunzito (Horizonte)
  • Youth Press – Promoting Media Education in Schools (São Paulo)
  • Mini Agribusiness (Concórdia)
  • Experience Showcase: WE ARE OF ALL COLORS (Horizonte)
  • PANCs Unconventional Edible Plants (Concórdia)
  • Safe Cyclist Program (Porto Alegre)
  • LEIA+ Program: Different Trajectories, Same Rights (Curitiba)
  • Elder Pedestrian Program (Porto Alegre)
  • Ki_Da_Hort@ Project – a biological learning laboratory for the territory (Passo Fundo)
  • Light, Camera, Education Project (Passo Fundo)
  • More Reading Project, More Readers (Araraquara)
  • Quintal Vivo Project (Horizonte)
  • Promoters of health for the black population (Porto Alegre)
  • Promoting Sustainability with School Gardens (Apucarana)
  • RECREative (Passo Fundo)
  • Mental Health in Schools: an experience based on the Educating City Project (Vitória do Santo Antão)
  • Black Territories: Afro-Brazilians in Porto Alegre (Porto Alegre)


During the General Assembly, the following points are addressed:

  1. Presentation of the activities and review of the management period 2021-2023 by the coordinating city of Curitiba.
  2. Presentation of the Curitiba 2024 International Congress.
  3. Presentation of candidate cities for the Coordination Commission.
  4. Voting for the Coordinating City and members of the Coordination Commission.
  5. Voting on the guiding document for the coordination of REBRACE.

Event programming and additional information:



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