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© Coquijac (Flickr)

Meeting of the Portuguese Network

Next July 7 a new Meeting of the Portuguese Network will take place at the Cineteatro Camacho Costa of Odemira (Portugal). The Meeting will be opened by the President of the City Council, Mr José Alberto Candeias Guerreiro.

04-07-2014    Networks

Immediately thereafter, the member of the Portuguese National Council on Education, Mr. José Carlos Bravo Nico, will give the conference “The space for non Formal Education”.

Work will continue with a meeting of the members of the Portuguese Network focused on question such as the thematic networks, the coming edition of the Portuguese National Congress and the Portuguese representation in the 13th IAEC Congress. Furthermore there will be working sessions of the thematic networks on Local Education Projects, Democracy and Participation, Inclusion and Bonds with the community.

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