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Applications open to organise the 17th IAEC International Congress

Registration now open to organise the 17th IAEC International Congress that will be held in 2022.

30-10-2019    Congress

The IAEC International Congress is one of the main activities of our Association. It is a great opportunity to exchange experiences, undertake joint projects and share ideas. For the organizing city, the Congress offers the opportunity to make the city known worldwide and to boost its projects and initiatives as an Educating City.

You will find the terms and conditions for submitting applications, the requested documents and the selection criteria here. The application form can be downloaded here.

We invite IAEC member cities that fullfill the terms to submit their application. If you want to present your city’s candidacy please prepare a bid dossier with the required documentation in the three IAEC official languages (English, French and Spanish) and send it to the Secretariat by February 3rd, 2020.

Cities will be invited to present their candidature at the Executive Committee meeting that will take place in March 2020 in Tampere (Finland).

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