Educating cities promote reading as a key factor to develop critical thinking, and to read and reread the city and the world we live in. This enhanced critical thinking becomes even more necessary in a global world where new technologies have made available information which is not always true or reliable. But in addition to […]
Posts By: lfernandezv
Focus Experience 37
An iniatitve that promotes the social and solidarity economy in order to foster socio-economic inclusion through the self-managed employment of people and groups in vulnerable situations, by way of training and support for their entrepreneurial projects:
Andong invites you to the 16th International Congress of Educating Cities
The 16th Congress “Shaping the future of education: innovation, tradition and inclusion” seeks to exchange best practices on how to build sustainable Educating Cities where the past, present and future coexist, based on a holistic understanding. The value of education lies in properly understanding human nature and guiding people to develop their full potential and to […]
IAEC General Assembly
The IAEC Executive Committee invites all member cities to participate in the next Ordinary General Assembly which will take place on 25 March, at 12.50h CET, first call. The event will take place via Zoom. Each city may cast one vote. Delegates designated by their respective cities to exercise the right to vote will receive a […]
2020 International Day of the Educating City
We would like to thank the over 180 cities that celebrated the 30 Years of the Charter of Educating Cities and the 2020 International Day on 30 November! We look forward to seeing you in the next edition, with the slogan: “The Educating City leaves no one behind”!
2020 Report on Activities
International Women’s Day
According to the UN, around 60% of women around the world work in the informal sector (higher poverty risk), receive around 23% less income than their male counterparts and occupy just 24% of parliamentary seats. Furthermore, 1 in 3 women has experienced physical or sexual violence and 200 million girls and women have suffered genital mutilation. […]
Focus Experience 36
An urban model to foster sustainable mobility and quality of life in the city To achieve this, a hierarchy of roads has been established according to their connectivity, functionality and size: main roads, local or secondary roads, and residential roads. Motorised and essential traffic (prioritising public transport, freight transport and fast-moving bicycles) principally circulate on […]
IAEC Executive Committee Meeting
Representatives from Andong, Barcelona, Cascais, Changwon, Granollers, Katowice, Lisboa, Morelia, Rennes, Rosario, Sevilla, Sorocaba, Tampere and Torino take part in the third online meeting of the IAEC Executive Committee. The meeting agenda includes the review of the 30 Anniversary and the celebration of the Internacional Day of the Educating City 2020 by Executive Committee members, […]