Focus Experience 38

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Crowdfunding is an established form of financing projects, where people gather to support an initiative that will respond to an issue relevant to them. To do so, they contribute small amounts of money so that the project can get started. In the Crowdfunding Tampere model (inspired by the London Crowdfund programme), the local government participates as one of the donors of the community-led projects. In addition to […]

Miguel Lifschitz left us

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Civil engineer by profession and politician by vocation, he led the opening of the city towards the river and the modernization and decentralization of municipal management. In addition to bolstering to the Delegation of Educating Cities for Latin America, he promoted international dialogue with many cities and networks such as UCLG, Metropolis or CIDEU. The […]

Call for projects | Childhood and youth participation

Posted by & filed under Experiences' bank.

The IAEC Secretariat is kindly requesting member cities to submit experiences on childhood participation. As you know, the revamped Charter of Educating Cities highlights the need to grant civil and political rights of children, teenagers and young people, using quality participatory methods. In particular, Principle 8 of the Charter on Governance and citizen participation states that: […]

Happy World Book Day!

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Educating cities promote reading as a key factor to develop critical thinking, and to read and reread the city and the world we live in. This enhanced critical thinking becomes even more necessary in a global world where new technologies have made available information which is not always true or reliable. But in addition to […]

Focus Experience 37

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An iniatitve that promotes the social and solidarity economy in order to foster socio-economic inclusion through the self-managed employment of people and groups in vulnerable situations, by way of training and support for their entrepreneurial projects:  

Andong invites you to the 16th International Congress of Educating Cities

Posted by & filed under Andong 2022, Congress.

The 16th Congress “Shaping the future of education: innovation, tradition and inclusion” seeks to exchange best practices on how to build sustainable Educating Cities where the past, present and future coexist, based on a holistic understanding. The value of education lies in properly understanding human nature and guiding people to develop their full potential and to […]

IAEC General Assembly

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The IAEC Executive Committee invites all member cities to participate in the next Ordinary General Assembly which will take place on 25 March, at 12.50h CET, first call. The event will take place via Zoom. Each city may cast one vote. Delegates designated by their respective cities to exercise the right to vote will receive a […]