Applications open to organise the 17th IAEC International Congress

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The IAEC International Congress is one of the main activities of our Association. It is a great opportunity to exchange experiences, undertake joint projects and share ideas. For the organizing city, the Congress offers the opportunity to make the city known worldwide and to boost its projects and initiatives as an Educating City. You will find […]

Mayor of Katowice invites you to the 16th International Congress of Educating Cities

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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 16th International Congress of Educating Cities, which will take place in Katowice (Poland) from 30 September to 2 October, 2020 and will focus on the theme “A city of change – as a space for creativity and innovation – music, environment, leisure, […]

Prepare for the upcoming International Day of the Educating City 2019

Posted by & filed under World International Day.

Check out the dedicated website for more information and resources. The Charter of Educating Cities advocates a model of a city that goes beyond traditional functions related to the mere provision of services and proposes solutions to the global challenges faced at local level. These challenges cannot be addressed with unilateral and simple solutions, as they call for spaces that accept contradiction and suggest processes […]

9th Asia-Pacific Network Meeting

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The event features the presentation of good practices by representatives from the cities of Barcelona, Brussels (‘School Street’ project), Chubu, Daego Suseong-gu, Dangjin, Katowice, Osan and Wonju. At the meeting, Katowice’s representative invites cities in the region to attend the 2020 International Congress of Educating Cities (Katowice, 30 September – 2 October). In addition, Professor John Fien […]

Focus Experience #32

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The Friendship Park (Parque de la Amistad) is the first ever inclusive park in the city of Montevideo and in Uruguay with universal accessibility, geared towards the recreation of children, young people and adults. Recreational and educational schemes are used to foster aspects of socialisation, inclusion and learning, which stimulate curiosity, empathy, imagination and creativity. It’s an open space, where people with and without disabilities can […]

Information Bulletin 29

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In this edition you will find the following projects: ‘Adopt a monument (Tampere), an initiative that encourages volunteer work to upkeep, conserve and promote local heritage. ‘Citizens Open School’ (Vitoria-Gasteiz), a proposal that fosters the engagement of citizens committed to their community and who play a role in municipal policies.

The Northern European Group meets in Brussels

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Participants visited several selected projects, such as the initiative ‘Neighborhood contracts for urban revitalization’, a tool for integrated urban development that targets underprivileged districts and combines the following fields of intervention: housing, public facilities, environment, public spaces and social cohesion. Attendants also had the opportunity to visit the Advanced Technology Center, the House of European […]

Interview with Ms. Claudia Sheinbaum, Mayor of Mexico City

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The current government programme uses the slogan “City of innovation and rights”. Why is this? Innovating means that creativity and knowledge can be combined. In that sense, we foster the use of advances in knowledge, technology, arts, etc., within the city to improve the quality of life of citizens. What’s more, innovation also means the […]

9th Asia-Pacific Network Meeting Register to participate!

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Find out more and register to participate here:  The event will feature the presentation of good practices by representatives from the cities of Barcelona, Brussels (‘School Street’ project), Chubu, Daego Suseong-gu, Katowice, Osan and Wonju. Katowice’s representative will also present the 2020 International Congress of Educating Cities (Katowice, 27-30 October), inviting cities in the region to attend. […]