Green Currency: Exchanging organic waste for money

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The project begins with the separation of organic household waste by citizens, which is then taken to collection points, where people receive 1 unit of Green Currency for every 5 kilos of organic waste. This waste is later treated and converted into fertiliser. All the details of the project, at the IAEC BANK OF EXPERIENCES […]

National Meeting of the Portuguese Network

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With the presence of representatives from 40 municipalities and under the theme “Education for Science and Sustainability”, the National Meeting of the Portuguese Territorial Network of Educating Cities took place in the auditorium of the Gustavo Pinto Lopes Municipal Library in Torres Novas, on May 12th. On May 13th, a visit to some environmental education […]

6th Meeting of the Argentina Network

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The cities of the Argentina network met in San Justo under the motto “Technology and Social Innovation: Fostering People-Centered Sustainable Cities”, with the goal of thinking and sharing learning around principles 7 -Access to Information- and Principle 16 -Inclusive vocational guidance and job placement- of the Charter of Educating Cities, in line with one of the […]


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The publication, coordinated by Yayo Herrero, anthropologist, social educator, teacher and ecofeminist activist, compiles articles, interviews and a selection of experiences from various Educating Cities, which illustrate their policies, with the intention of promoting reflection on the role of local governments in promoting care in the city. Experts on an international scale, and representatives of […]

Monograph online presentation

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With the objective of presenting the monograph “City, care and education”, two webinars were held on April 27, in different time zones, to facilitate the participation of all member cities. This monograph aims to analyze and show the complexity of caring for life through in-depth articles, interviews and good practices that focus on caring for […]

Meeting of the Mexican Network

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On April 20, a virtual meeting of the Mexican Network is held, with the participation of the municipalities of Guadalupe, Guanajuato, León, Morelia, Oaxaca, Playa del Carmen, Purísima del Rincón, San Cristóbal de las Casas, San Pedro Tlaquepaque and Tenango del Valle. At the meeting, the candidacies to host the next General Assembly of the […]