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News of World International Day

International Women’s Day

From the IAEC we wish to recall that there is still a long way to go in our societies as regards women's rights and towards an equal future. [...]

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Call for initiatives that reinforce the presence of women in science and pursue gender equality! Deadline: February 26th [...]

International Day of the Educating City

Over 180 cities from 10 countries join the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Educating Cities and 2020 International Day! [...]

50 years of Earth Day

As Educating Cities, we know that our planet is not ours, and that we are just passers-by. Therefore, we take care of the planet and the inhabitants of our cities and villages! [...]

2020 International Women’s Day

Cities, big and small, in favour of women's rights! [...]

The 2019 International Day in pictures

Over 150 cities from 14 countries and 4 continents celebrated the International Day of the Educating City on 30 November, with the slogan "Improving the City by Listening". [...]

Celebration of the International Day of the Educating City

Over 150 cities have participated at the 2019 edition of the International Day.
Thank you all for making this event a success! [...]

International Day of the Educating City

This year we present the 'Opposite Matching Game about the Educating City' to celebrate the Day! [...]