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News of World International Day

What happened on the International Day 2018?

Summary of the celebrations, 3rd edition of the International Day of the Educating City. [...]

Universal Declaration of Human Rights 70th Anniversary

The Human Rights Day and the celebration of the Declaration’s 70th anniversary take place on 10th December. [...]

This September the environment is in the headlines again

Many global initiatives to raise awareness on action against climate change will take place during this month. [...]

23 April, World Book Day

Reading improves the language abilities of people and the role of schools and cities can be important in forming readers and awakening a taste for reading. [...]

International Women’s Day – 2018

This year, the International Women’s Day comes on the heels of unprecedented global movement for women’s rights, equality and justice. [...]

Second edition of the International Day of the Educating City

The second edition of the International Day of the Educating City took place on 30 November 2017 and included the participation of 110 cities from 9 countries and 4 continents. [...]

International Day of the Educating City 2017

Today, November 30th we celebrate the International Day of the Educating City putting the focus, this year, on the Right to an Educating City. [...]

International Youth Day

The Association joins the celebration of the International Youth Day, 12 August, sharing with you some initiatives of the member cities and some publication focused on youth. [...]