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News of Networks

The Educating Cities of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean Sea meets at Toluca de Lerdo

The 3rd Meeting of the Educating Cities of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean Sea will take place in Toluca de Lerdo (Mexico) next April 23-24 2015 under the title “The Education at the City, a Common Project to Transform the Urban Space into an Educating Space”. [...]

Odemira holds a meeting of the Portuguese Network

A new Meeting of the Portuguese Network took place last July 7th at the Cineteatro Camacho Costa of Odemira (Portugal). The Meeting was opened by the President of the City Council, Mr José Alberto Candeias Guerreiro. [...]

Asia-Pacific Network Working Meeting

Technical representatives of the Asia-Pacific Network member cities met in Changwon (Republic of Korea) last July the 4th. [...]

French Network General Assembly

The city of Paris hosted last July 4 and 5 a General Assembly of the French Network. [...]

Meeting of the Portuguese Network

Next July 7 a new Meeting of the Portuguese Network will take place at the Cineteatro Camacho Costa of Odemira (Portugal). The Meeting will be opened by the President of the City Council, Mr José Alberto Candeias Guerreiro. [...]

French Network General Assembly

The city of Paris will held next July 4 and 5 a General Assembly of the French Network. [...]

Meeting of the Brazilian Network

The Brazilian member cities have been called to a new meeting of the Brazilian Network that will take place in the Public Library of Sorocaba next February 18th. [...]

11th Spanish Network Meeting of Educating Cities

Under the title "Education a constant within life", the 11th Meeting of the Spanish Network took place in Gandia from October 16 to 18th 2013. [...]

5th Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Network

The 5th Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Network took place in the Ecograd Hotel Convention Hall of the city of Suncheon (Republic of Korea) last September 26th. 40 representatives of 20 cities attended the meeting. [...]