São Paulo acoge el IX Encuentro de la REBRACE: "Promover y fortalecer aprendizajes transformadores en los territorios de la ciudad" los días 4 y 5 de octubre de 2023, donde Curitiba renueva su mandato como ciudad coordinadora para los próximos 2 años. [...]
Follow the plenary sessions and download the official photos of the meeting here.
Guanajuato, chosen as the new coordinating city of the Mexico Network! Don't miss the Activity Report of the Network 2018-2023, available here for consultation. [...]
Laura Rodrigues presents good practices in the area of citizen participation, sports, circular economy, integration of migrant population, and opening urban spaces as children's playgrounds. Don't miss it! [...]
São Paulo hosts the 9th meeting of the Brazil Network on 4-5 October 2023. [...]
Torres Novas organises the meeting of the Portuguese Network of Educating Cities in May.
It will take place on 8-11 November 2023 in Torres Vedras. [...]
San Justo hosts the 6th meeting of the Argentina Network on 4 and 5 May. [...]
Playa del Carmen will host the next General Assembly in September! [...]