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News of Networks

Declaration by the “Inclusive Cities” working group

Declaration by the cities belonging to the Portuguese network of educating cities that compose the thematic working group "Inclusive Cities". [...]

2022 Asia-Pacific Bulletin

Don't miss the summary of the work carried out by the network in 2022! [...]

II International Seminar: “Passo Fundo Educating City”

The II International Seminar "Passo Fundo Educating City" took place on 3 August with the objective of raising awareness on the Educating City movement among local employees and citizens. [...]

National Meeting of the Portuguese Network

The city of Viseu hosts the Portuguese Network National Meeting on 3 June. [...]

Meeting of the Argentina Network

The Argentina Network meets in Buenos Aires on 20 May, with the participation of cities of all over the country, coordinated by San Justo. [...]

Asia Pacific network bulletin

Check out the main events and the work carried out by member cities in the region in 2021! [...]

Mexican Network meeting

First meeting of the Mexican network coordination after the appointment of the new municipal teams. [...]

Brazil Network

The coordination of the Brasil Network meets on 9 November. [...]

10th IAEC Asia-Pacific Regional Network Meeting

The Asia-Pacific network meets on 6-7 October in Andong with the theme "Directions of lifelong learning in the post-COVID-19 era" [...]