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The Educating Cities attentive to the new challenges arising from the Syrian crisis

In the last few weeks Europe and the Mediterranean region are living one of the biggest and fastest migrations in history. This situation is bringing hustle and bustle in the lives of many people and cities. [...]

Summer vacation

The IAEC Secretariat office will remain closed from August 10th until the 21th (both included). [...]

Opening of a Roman archaeological museum in the IAEC headquarters

We would like to celebrate the opening of an exhibition showing the archaeological remains of a Roman house of the 1st century AD located in the subsoil of the IAEC headquarters building by sharing with you some initiatives of member cities on historic heritage. [...]

Summer vacation

The IAEC Secretariat office will remain closed from August 11th until the 22th (both included). [...]

Welcome to the new IAEC Portal!

After a long year of work, we are happy to launch a new internet site which is more attractive, intuitive and easily updatable. [...]

International Award UCLG – MEXICO City – Culture 21

The period of submission of bids for to the International Award UCLG - MEXICO City - Culture 21 is already open. [...]

City to City Barcelona FAD Award 2014

The period for submission of bids for the City to City Barcelona FAD Award 2014 is already open.

EDUCASPORT World Forum 2013

According to the 2013 Action Plan, the IAEC Secretariat works together with the Agency for Education through Sport (APELS) on the organization of EDUCASPORT World Forum 2013 which will take place in the member city of Paris (France) next November 27-29 2013.

5th Portuguese Congress of Educating Cities

The Convention Centre of the city of Braga held the 5th Portuguese Congress of Educating Cities from May 16 to 17th. [...]