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News of Videos

Charter of Educating Cities

Check out the new explanatory video showcasing the values of Educating Cities! [...]

Videosummary 2022 International Day

We present the videosummary of the activities organised to mark the event, with the slogan "The Educating City is a city of peace and opportunities". [...]

What happened on the International Day 2018?

Summary of the celebrations, 3rd edition of the International Day of the Educating City. [...]

14th IAEC International Congress video

We invite you to watch and share the presentation video of the 14th IAEC International Congress which will take place in Rosario (Argentina) in 2016. [...]

13th IAEC Congress Video already online

You can watch online the official video of the 13th International Congress of Educating Cities which took place in Barcelona last November 13-15 2014. [...]