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© Prefeitura de Curitiba

2024 Educating Cities Award Ceremony

The Award Ceremony for the 2024 Educating Cities’ Award to best practices in Values-based Education took place during the 17th International Congress in Curitiba. Projects by México City, Santo André and Odivelas were laureates. Finalists received a special mention.

30-05-2024    “Values-Based Education”   Award



Community Education Subsystem PILARES, México City (México)

The PILARES centres are spaces open to the public that promote the inclusion of the most vulnerable social groups, and are based on four main components: education, culture, sport and economic entrepreneurship.


Interreligious Dialogue, Odivelas (Portugal)

The initiative seeks to promote exchange, knowledge and respect, both between different religions and beliefs among themselves, and between faiths and citizens in general, promoting social cohesion and the construction of peace.


Water, Camera and Action – socio-environmental educommunication, Santo André (Brazil)

The project aims to generate conditions for young people between 15 and 29 years old to experience socio-environmental learning about water problems in the city, according to their perceptions while at the same time valuing the specificities of each territory.





Congratulations to all the people who make these projects possible!

More information here

Photographs courtesy of the City Council of Curitiba.


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