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© León City Council

Congress of Mexican Educating Cities

The city of León-Guanajuato hosts the Congress of the Mexican Network of Educating Cities (REMCE) on 4-5 April, with the theme ‘Educating City, creating spaces for peace’.

The cities of Acámbaro, Celaya, Chihuahua, Ciudad de México, Colima, Lagos de Moreno, Morelia, Ocampo, Playa del Carmen, Querétaro, Salvatierra, San Luis de la Paz, San Miguel Allende, Tijuana, Valle de Santiago, Yuriria, Zacapu, Zacatecas and mayors of 12 other cities participate at the Congress, which takes place at the ‘Forum Cultural Guanajuato’.

The Delegated Chairman of the International Association of Educating Cities, Mr. Miquel Àngel Essomba, opens the Congress with the conference ‘The right to education in the city. The contribution of Educating Cities’.

The programme of the first day includes the dialogue ‘Peace and citizenship’, an exhibition of a selection of projects carried out by the Mexican Network and the conference ‘Educating Cities: outlook and prospects for the construcion of spaces for peace’, by Ms. Jaqueline Moll, Dr. in Education (Río Grande do Sul University).

Furthermore, member cities of the Mexican network have the opportunity to participate in the following study visits to key local projects:

  • Urban art, identity and youth: Muraleón Project, Youth Institute of León.

The second day of the Congress starts with a working session of the Mexican Network of Educating Cities and an info session for cities interested in joining the Network.

The gathering also includes the conferences ‘Citizen participation in the construction of an Educating City’ (by Ms. Rosa Quintana, Education Department of Montevideo), ‘Youth, education and peace’ (by Mr. Juan David Aristizábal, social entrepreneur), and the Panel ‘Construction of peace from innovation and creativity’. An interactive session around the axes of the Congress wraps up the event.

More information here.


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