Curitiba 2024

17th International Congress of Educating Cities

Curitiba 2024

«Sustainability, innovation and inclusion in the educating city: transforming the present»

The 17th International Congress of Educating Cities will be held on 21-24 May 2024 in Curitiba. It will be a great opportunity to share ideas and best practices under the theme “Sustainability, Innovation, and Inclusion in the Educating City: Transforming the Present.

Congress thematic axes:

  1. Social sustainability: inclusion and cultural pluralism;
  2. Environmental and economic sustainability: innovation and transformation of territories;
  3. Education for sustainability;

Participation modalities:

  • Workshop: presentations of experiences grouped around a common theme, with a duration of approximately 10 minutes;
  • Direct dialogues or speaker corners: presentations in smaller groups of approximately 5 minutes, located in different corners of the event center;
  • Poster presentations using smart screens.

Deadline to submit experiences: between June 5th and September 30th, 2023, through the form available here.

The event Scientific Committee will assess and select the experiences. The selected experiences and their respective modality will be announced between 15-30 November 2023.

We look forward to seeing you 21-24 May 2024 in Curitiba!

International Day of the Educating City

Educating Cities Award

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