Prepare for the upcoming International Day of the Educating City 2019
The Guide to prepare the International Day of the Educating City is now available. The celebration will take place on 30 November with the theme ‘Improving the city by listening’.
Check out the dedicated website for more information and resources.
The Charter of Educating Cities advocates a model of a city that goes beyond traditional functions related to the mere provision of services and proposes solutions to the global challenges faced at local level. These challenges cannot be addressed with unilateral and simple solutions, as they call for spaces that accept contradiction and suggest processes of knowledge, dialogue and engagement as the best way forward of living and coping with uncertainty.
Therefore, listening to the city is a two-way dialogue that must feature local governments and social stakeholders of the city alike (community organisations, private sector, public authorities, citizens, etc.) in a constant, participatory and inclusive conversation.
Cities celebrating the International Day are encouraged to think about events or activities that highlight this commitment to listening to the city, incorporating diverse voices and opening up spaces for participatory construction.
234 cities from 19 countries in 5 continents participated in previous editions. We hope that this year we can widely spread the initiative with your support and that many new cities, institutions and citizens join-in the celebration.
For more information:
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