Educating Cities: Learning Ecosystems to Experience and Feel the City
More than 300 people participated at the VII Meeting of the Argentine Network of Educating Cities on September 9, hosted by the City of Córdoba.
The Meeting reflected on the importance of Values-based Education, the strengthening of education and the promotion of innovation and creativity in cities.
The opening conference by Gabriel Allasia focused on: Innovation and creativity in promoting the cities, access to technologies and promotion of employment. Moreover, Professor Nélida Zaitegi gave a keynote speech focused on Values-based Education.
On the other hand, the presentation of experiences of the cities of the network had a prominent place in the program, as well as the visit to good practices of the city of Córdoba that focused on innovation and creativity, and the promotion of values for living together and the common good. You can consult the experiences presented at: https://bidce.org/sites/vii-encuentro-race/experiencias
You can also relive the most significant moments of this VII Meeting, which brought together both the Argentine Educating Cities, as well as a large group of cities from the province of Córdoba that wish to join the IAEC, at this link: https://www.ciudadeseducadorasla.org/ciudades/
Within the framework of this Meeting, the General Assembly of the Argentine Network met and the city of San Justo was chosen as Coordinator of the Network and the cities of Córdoba and Venado Tuerto as members of the Monitoring Commission.
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