Regional and National Meeting of the Portuguese Network in Lagoa-Açores
Over 130 delegates participate at the first Regional and National Meeting of the Portuguese Network of Educating Cities in 2020, organised by Lagoa dos Açores City Council. The event takes place on 27 and 28 February at the Santo António convent of the city.
21 member cities participate at the Regional Meeting, together with other non-member municipalities and other organisations, making up a total of 81 participants on 27 February.
The National Meeting (28 February), on its part, is held with 123 delegates of 41 member cities and participants from other cities and institutions.
The first part of the National Meeting addresses the issue of “Diversify learning – investing in non-formal education”. Under the slogan “Skill development” and framed within the topic “Culture and Heritage – Lagoa Museum Centers”, participants have the opportunity to visit the Santo António Convent and the collection of the Matriz de Lagoa Church.
Also on 28 February, the network approves the 2019 Report on Activities and the 2020 Action Plan, modifies article 13 of the Regulation and informs on the thematic working groups, the update of the Charter of Educating Cities, the scholarships to participate at the upcoming 16th International Congress (Katowice) and the production of a logo for the network.
The Regional Meeting, with the slogan “Building and Educating City” includes two sessions presenting good practices and a visit to the Museum Centre.
After the presentation of several topics by the invited speakers, the day ends with a round table on “Educating City”, with several city councillors of the Coordination Committee and other members of the Portuguese Network.
With the organisation of this meeting, Lagoa reiterates its commitment with education and the exchange of experiences between the participating cities and institutions.
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