9th National Congress of the Portuguese Network
The 9th National Congress of the Portuguese network, "Educating Cities, Cities for Children, Cities for All!" takes place from November 8 to 11, 2023, in Torres Vedras. Download the official photographs of the event here.
On Wednesday, November 8, we will reflect on the theme ‘Playing in Educating Cities’ with the participation of speakers such as Carlos Neto and Takaharu Tezuka (author of the famous Fuji Kindergarten project in Japan). In the afternoon, there will be a visit a school outdoor space designed to promote play and participate in a workshop on free play.
On Thursday, November 9, the theme will be ‘Autonomy, Mobility, and Sustainability in Educating Cities’, featuring prominent speakers such as José Carlos Mota from the University of Aveiro and Francisca Benitez B. from the Global Designing Cities Initiative. After lunch, attendees will use inverted periscopes to observe the city from a different perspective.
On Friday, November 10, under the theme ‘Engaging and Participating in Educating Cities,’ speakers Ariana Cosme and Cecília Vaca Jones will help us understand the importance and how we can involve citizens in decision-making about our cities. The congress will conclude with a roundtable discussion in which mayors will comment on the congress themes and how their cities have addressed these issues.
Programme ‹ Câmara Municipal de Torres Vedras
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