9th National Congress of the Portuguese Network of Educating Cities
It will take place on 8-11 November 2023 in Torres Vedras.
“Educating Cities, Cities for children, Cities for all!” is the theme of the 9th National Congress of the Portuguese Network of Educating Cities. Days of reflection on the role of the educating city as a territory that aims to offer not only to children, but to all groups of our society, an ideal environment where they can fully live their citizenship and find in the urban space a place for individual and collective achievement.
Through the link (https://www.cm-tvedras.pt/educacao/ix-congresso-das-cidades-educadoras/enquadramento-congresso/), you can obtain information about the congress program, as well as about the submission of experiences for debate (deadline: June 9). By submitting experiences related to the three subthemes of the Congress, we can all learn from each other and contribute to making more educating cities! The subthemes are: (1) Playing in educating cities, (2) Autonomy, mobility and sustainability in educating cities, and (3) Involvement and participation in educating cities.
Soon, we will open the registrations for participation in the congress.
All the information is available on the official website of the event.
We look forward to welcoming all Portuguese delegations in Torres Vedras from November 8 to 11!
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