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María Josep Udina Abelló has left us

She was a member of the IAEC Secretariat team between 1999 and 2003.

15-07-2024    Out of Category

She was a discreet, austere, and apparently shy friend, but with a very fine sense of humour. She left us with such discretion that the sad news of her loss reached us only recently. She was a very well-rounded person, both professionally and, above all, in her human qualities; a tireless and generous worker with a great institutional sense and a strong spirit of service. She was a close collaborator of the pedagogue Marta Mata. Thus, she was well familiar with the origins of the Educating Cities movement long before joining the secretariat team.
She stood out for her tireless dedication to educational and cultural improvement through her various responsibilities at the Barcelona City Council, the Rosa Sensat Teachers’ Association, the Castelldefels City Council, the Marta Mata Foundation, and, more recently, the pedagogical association La Finestra, which she founded. She had a great ability to write and she was great lover of music, she collaborated again with the AICE in 2018 by composing the lyrics for the Educating City anthem.
Those of us who had the privilege of knowing her and learning from her will not forget her. We will remember her as a person dedicated to her family, music, writing, education, and, above all, to building a better world.

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