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Read the full publication here!

27-04-2023    Publications

The publication, coordinated by Yayo Herrero, anthropologist, social educator, teacher and ecofeminist activist, compiles articles, interviews and a selection of experiences from various Educating Cities, which illustrate their policies, with the intention of promoting reflection on the role of local governments in promoting care in the city.

Experts on an international scale, and representatives of local governments, reflect and launch proposals on how to integrate the care approach into public policies, from aspects such as urban planning, urban health, sustainable food and the reception of migrants and refugees. In turn, the struggle for women’s rights and their role in care carried out by social movements is collected.

The Monograph also presents five experiences of Educating Cities, members of the IAEC –Andong, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Barcelona, Horizonte and Loures–, which illustrate good practices in the implementation of public policies that put the care of people at the centre.

We hope you will find the new IAEC Monograph inspiring!

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