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Charter of Educating Cities


Focus Experience

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Summer vacation

The IAEC Secretariat office will remain closed 9-20 August (both included). [...]

Brasil Network Meeting

Thursday 8 July the Brazil Network meets and Curitiba is appointed as the new network coordinator. [...]

5th Anniversary Syracuse Educating City

Syracuse celebrates its 5 years as educating city with this beautiful version of the IAEC's anthem in Italian. Check it out here! [...]

Executive Committee meeting

The Executive Committee met on 9 June to prepare the activities of the second semester! [...]

Interview with Mr. Héctor López Santillana, Mayor of León-Guanajuato

Check out the interview with Mayor of León-Guanajuato, posted in the IAEC Bulletin 32! [...]

Focus Experience 39

Check out Microtheatre Granollers, a project to disseminate and professionalize new playwrights and young theatre performers! [...]

Conference: Playable City

On 1 June at 17h CET we celebrate the World Play Day with the workshop "Playable City"! [...]

VI Biennial of Public Space

The IAEC participates at the VI edition of the Biennial of Public Space "Children and Public Space" which will be held on 13-15 May online. [...]

Focus Experience 38

The Crowdfunding Tampere project promotes the implementation of community-led social initiatives through a participatory funding model with financial support and technical advice from the municipality. Check it out here! [...]