150 representatives of 50 member cities have participated in the 12th Meeting of the Spanish Network which has taken place in Rivas Vaciamadrid last January 14. During the Meeting, Lleida has been elected as new Coordinating City for the period 2015-2017. [...]
The 12th Meeting of the Spanish Network of Educating Cities takes place today in Rivas Vaciamadrid (Madrid Metropolitan Area). [...]
The Association creates an Educating Cities’ Award on Good Practices on Living Together in the Cities that will be granted to three innovative experiences from three member cities. [...]
IAEC member cities are now invited to present their candidacy to opt for the organization of the 15th IAEC Congress to be held in 2018. [...]
You can watch already the videos in Korean and English of the plenary sessions of the 7th IAEC Asia-Pacific Meeting which took place in Gumi (Republic of Korea) last November 3 and 4. The Final report of the Meeting is already available. [...]
The current edition of Focus Experience introduces the programme “Trust in Archimedes’ Thrust”, an inclusive facility, a meeting a lifelong learning place of the city of Settimo Torinese (Italy). [...]
More than 500 representatives of 37 cities participated at the 6th edition of the National Congress of the Portuguese Network which took place in Almada last November 11-13. The Congress focused its attention on the theme "Participated Cities, Adapted/able cities". [...]
The International Association of Educating Cities wants to celebrate the World AIDS Day sharing some initiatives of the member cities.
The Charter of Educating Cities was adopted November 30th 1990 at the closing ceremony of the First International Congress of Educating Cities, held in Barcelona. [...]