Here you can check the timetables of the transport service, download official pictures and watch the plenary sessions live! [...]
On 22 May at 17:30h (Curitibal local time) | 22:30h CET. Don't miss it! [...]
"Reading is the key that opens the doors to learning and understanding." - Jean Piaget [...]
To foster global cooperation among local government leaders and scholars through humanistic exchange, Andong City is leading in establishing the “World Humanistic Cities Network (WHCN). [...]
You can now enjoy the video summary of the 2023 edition, showcasing the involvement of over 185 cities from 12 countries! Explore the motto chosen by the Ordinary Assembly for the upcoming edition here and mark your calendar accordingly. [...]
The IAEC 2023 Report on Activities is now available. Check it out here!
Granollers will host the 18th International Congress of Educating Cities in 2026, an event centered around the themes of education and culture, as well as strategies for city/community development and fostering a critical and inclusive citizenship. [...]