Monograph “City, Culture and Education”
The latest IAEC monograph is now available! Check out the publication and the presentation video here!
The IAEC Monograph “City, Culture and Education”, coordinated jointly with the Culture Committee of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) was presented on 2 July.
Don’t miss out the debate with Ernst Wagner and Michel Vallée, to learn more on the importance of culture and arts: its links with education, how they foster feelings of belonging or help break with stereotypes and involve citizens in the re-creation of their cities.
This publication offers a rich and wide approach to Culture and Education in the city through a compilation of interviews, articles from different authors and a selection of good practices of cities around the world. We believe that this publication will be very useful for local governments and for the stakeholders involved in the fields of culture and education, and that it will contribute to generate new ideas for fostering partnerships between these agents in our cities.
Read it here!
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