Within the framework of the III Meeting held in Río Cuarto on November 16th and 17th, the Argentinian Network of Educating Cities (RACE) has been formally established. [...]
Last 3 November, the City Council of Avilés hosted a meeting in which several cities of the Spanish Network of Educating Cities reflected on the “Challenges and Opportunities in the Construction of an Educating City”. [...]
Gamcheon Culture Village, one of the experiences awarded with the Educating Cities Award receives the visit of Mr Miquel Angel Essomba, IAEC Delegated Chairman, on October 23rd [...]
October 25 Palamós City elected members and municipal staff from a wide range of areas reflected on the principles of the Charter of Educating Cities and their application into public policies. [...]
"Physical Activities and Movement as Support for Learning"
"Innovation, Inclusion and Sustainability"