On July 12 and 13, the Museum of Art and History of Guanajuato hosted a new session of the Training and Local Governance Training Seminar with political and technical personnel from the City of León, Mexico. [...]
The current edition of Focus Experience introduces the programme “Reintroducing a forgotten figure: the Square Custodian”, which are Educating agents that care and promote a better living together parks in Rio Cuarto (Argentina). [...]
The IAEC has participated actively as thematic partner of the Mediterranean City-to-City Migration Project (MC2CM) on the preparation of the thematic peer-to-peer meeting on Migration and Educating City which took place last July 11-12 in Turin (Italy). [...]
Last 10 and 11 July, the Training Seminar "Educating Cities and Local Governance" was held at the Government Palace of Zacatecas (Mexico), a city recently incorporated into the Association.
"Physical Activities and Movement as Support for Learning"
"Innovation, Inclusion and Sustainability"