A new meeting of the Argentinean Network of Educating Cities took place last June 30th on Buenos Aires. [...]
The city of Cascais (Portugal) will host the 15th IAEC Congress on November 13-16 2018. The Mayor of Cascais, Mr Carlos Carreiras, invites you to save the date and to come and participate to the Congress. [...]
The 8th IAEC Asia-Pacific Network Regional Meeting will take place in Suseong-gu, Daegu (Republic of Korea) on September 14-15 and will focus on the theme “The Role of Educating Cities fostering Global Citizenship Education”. [...]
More than 400 representatives of local governments participated at the National Congress of the Portuguese Network which took place in Guarda on May 25-27 and which focused on the theme of Identities. [...]
"Innovation, Inclusion and Sustainability"