The 12th Meeting of the Spanish Network of Educating Cities will take take in Rivas Vaciamadrid (Madrid Metropolitan Area) next January 14th 2016. [...]
You can already register and submit good practices from your city for the 14th IAEC Congress which will take place in Rosario (Argentina) next 1-4 June 2016 under the theme “Living Together in our cities”. [...]
The city of Gumi (Republic of Korea) will host next November the 3 and 4 the 7th Meeting of the IAEC Asia-Pacific Network which will focus on the theme “Educating Cities for social Inclusion”. [...]
We are pleased to present you the full version of the interview of the Bulletin 22 with the Mayor of Rennes, Ms. Nathalie Appéré. [...]
"Physical Activities and Movement as Support for Learning"
"Innovation, Inclusion and Sustainability"