The Educating Cities International Documents Databank presents the 18th edition of the Focus experience section. [...]
100 cities have already submitted more than 500 experiences to the 13th IAEC Congress "An Educating City is an Inclusive City" which will take place in Barcelon next November 13-16 2014. [...]
The Mayor of Avilés, Ms Pilar Varela, and the IAEC General Secretary, Ms Marina Canals, opened yesterday in Avilés, the IAEC travelling exhibition Educating Cities: Local Actions, Global Values. [...]
The city of Barcelona will host the 14th International Congress of Educating Cities in 2016. The IAEC Executive Committee elected Rosario at the last meeting held on March15th. [...]
"Physical Activities and Movement as Support for Learning"
"Innovation, Inclusion and Sustainability"