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      CHIHUAHUA: Community Murals towards social transformation

      Community Murals (Murales comunitarios) is a cultural and educational project launched in 2017 that aims to build a rapport with the community through art. The process of collective creation of the murals is based on a range of actions that seek to generate trust, restore the social fabric, motivate participation, strengthen the sense of belonging and improve citizen security. Similarly, the initiative fosters creativity and promotes identity and educational processes, from a participatory and artistic approach.

      Further, these public spaces become a canvas for the social discourse of a collective group, that is, the community itself, which takes over the street, square or park where the murals are developed and depicted.

      The initiative forms part of a cross-cutting public policy implemented by the Municipal Government of Chihuahua, which conceives culture as an axis of social transformation. In addition to its cultural and educational aspects, the programme is included in actions relating to the prevention of violence, since the murals are articulated as an action of mutual trust, where citizens and the government team up to achieve an improvement of public space.

      Organises: Instituto de Cultura del Municipio de Chihuahua (Chihuahua Municipal Institute of Culture)
      Contact: MS. Rebeca Alejandra Enríquez Gutiérrez

      More information at the IAEC Bank of Experiences.