The 2016 update of the Lifelong Learning Act introduced, for the first time in the Republic of Korea, specific provisions to ensure access to lifelong education opportunities for adults with disabilities.
For the city of Suseong-gu, this entailed the need to gather information on the educational situation of this community at a local level. To this end, a diagnostic process was carried out based on the analysis of official data and meetings with specialised organisations.
In a bid to respond to the needs that emerged, the local government is articulating an initiative to provide a lifelong learning programme that fosters opportunities for personal development, cultural participation and artistic expression in adults with disabilities. The initiative also includes a support programme for caregivers and awareness-raising activities aimed at the general public. The actions are designed and implemented on the basis of consensus and consultation with the different social and institutional actors involved, as well as the active participation of people with disabilities.
Organises: Suseong-gu City Council
Contact: Ms. Hyunsuk An
More information at the IAEC Bank of Experiences.