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      FAMALICÃO: Get Involved in Art – Circus for All

      EnvolvAr-te – Circo por Todos (Get Involved in Art – Circus for All), is a project initiated in 2017 that aims to foster inclusion among people with functional diversity through circus arts, using a playful approach to promote ways of dealing with and reacting to errors and fears, fighting anxiety and shyness, and exploring and overcoming one’s own limits.

      Both motor and expressive development, as well as the personal and social development of each participant, are sought through the medium of circus. The programme includes the participation of around 60 people with functional diversity, divided into two groups. Over the course of three months, in weekly two-hour sessions, they experience the universe of the circus through classes related to body movement, juggling games, objects manipulation, acrobatics and balance, among others.

      In a second stage of the project, 30 people are selected to participate in a creation process with professional circus artists. Work intensifies during the last months of the project and culminates in a performance at the Casa de las Artes [Arts Centre] in Vila Nova de Famalicão, coinciding with the municipal celebrations held for the International Day of Persons with Functional Diversity.

      EnvolvAr-te – Circo por Todos is an initiative promoted by Vila Nova de Famalicão Town Council, in collaboration with the National Institute of Circus Arts (INAC) and six associations in the region.

      Organises: INAC – Instituto Nacional de Artes do Circo (INAC – Instituto Nacional de Artes Circenses )
      Contact: Adelaide Dias

      More information at the IAEC Bank of Experiences.