Registration-fees grants to the 14th IAEC Congress
In order to enable member cities participation at the XIV International Congress of Educating Cities (Rosario, 1-4 June 2016), the IAEC announces a call for 40 grants which consists on exemptions on the 14th Congress registration fees.
What cities will qualify for the grants? Which are the requirements?
- Only member cities that have presented experiences for the Congress and which are facing economic difficulties in attending.
- The project receiving a grant must be presented by a local government.
- One grant per city.
- The city must be up to date in the payment of its membership dues to the IAEC.
- The cities on the Executive Committee cannot apply for a grant.
- Formal request by the political representative of the interested city.
What criteria will be used for selection?
- Based on the degree of activity and involvement of the city in the Association.
- Transversal experiences that foster citizen participation will be prioritized.
- Transferability of the experience to other cities.
- Innovative experiences will be prioritised.
A total of 40 grants will be awarded and the deadline for applying for a grant is March the 2nd. For further information, please contact the IAEC Secretariat (
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