Renewal of Executive Committee Members 2016-2020
We are also pleased to inform you that at the coming IAEC General Assembly, which will take place in Rosario next 2 June, the IAEC Executive Committee, which is the direction, management, and representation executive and branch of the Association, will be partially renewed.
As per Article 20 of the Articles of Association of the IAEC, the Executive Committee is made up of 11 to 15 members, who exercise their office for a period of 4 years and can be re-elected.
The current Committee has 15 members: Barcelona, Changwon, Granollers, Guadalajara, Lisbon, Lomé, Lokossa, Medellín, Porto, Rennes, Rosario, Santo André, Sorocaba, Tampere and Turin.
In 2016 the mandates of the following cities ends: Granollers, Guadalajara, Lisbon, Lokossa, Lomé and Tampere. The Secretariat thanks these members for their contribution, work and permanent support to the IAEC.
The City of Cascais, as host city of the 15th International Congress will be invited to join the Executive Committee as associated member as from the coming General Assembly.
The Cities of Granollers, Lisbon, Lomé and Tampere have expressed interest in standing for re-election in order to participate in the work of the Executive Committee for the next four years. These members, as in the case of the other members of the Association, can file their candidacy in order to cover the 5 vacant seats.
Candidate cities must be up to date with the payment of their established dues and must have been members of the Association for at least one year. A seat on the Executive Committee involves a commitment to working towards the expansion and consolidation of the Association as well as to participating in the meetings convened and contributing ideas and suggestions.
The cities that wish to file their candidacy must submit written notice to the Secretariat ( before May 23 by means of a letter signed by the Mayor, stating the commitment of the city and the future actions that it has planned. The candidate cities must set forth the reasons for their candidacy at the General Assembly, the body responsible for their election. They will be given 5 minutes to do so.
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