Rennes hosts the General Assembly of the International Association of Educating Cities
More than 100 participants from 58 cities meet on March 21st and 22nd on the occasion of the General Assembly.
The City of Rennes has prepared a stimulating program of activities that will frame the General Assembly, which includes study visits to various experiences of the city. One of these visits is to the “Hôtel Pasteur“, a finalist initiative of the 2018 Educating Cities’ Award.
The program also includes the conference: “Educating city, a city that learns” by Mr. Edmond Hervé, former Mayor of Rennes from 1977 to 2008 and co-founder of the International Association of Educating Cities. The conference will be open to the citizens and driven by the journalist Xavier Debontride.
The participants will also have the opportunity to meet the Executive Committee in an exchange session, in which good practices from the cities of Brussels, Tampere and Rosario will be presented.
Further information of the meeting on the attached document.
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