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Kick-off meeting for the Granollers 2026 Congress

On July 17, the Organizing Committee meets with Mayor of Granollers, Alba Barnussell, to kick off preparations for the 18th International Congress of Educating Cities.

19-07-2024    Congress   Granollers 2026

The Congress will be held in Granollers in the spring of 2026 under the theme: “Education and Culture: Strategies for building an inclusive city/community for the development of a critical and creative citizenship”. With the key concepts of city and dialogue, the event aims to gather a large number of people from diverse fields, weaving networks, and generating innovative and inspiring knowledge.

The Scientific Committee of the Congress will meet in September to begin its work. As a novelty, this Congress will include several parallel forums such as the Youth Congress, the Children’s Congress, and a prominent role for the Cultural Council, which includes museums and entities from a selection of countries around the world.

Additionally, a program of visits to key regional projects is being prepared.

Experiences will be presented under one of the following thematic areas:


And you, what experience will you present?

More information coming soon.



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