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The Association presented the Workshop Educating City and Local Governance in Binissalem

A new session of the Training Seminar Educating City and Local Governance took place last January 24-25 in Binissalem (Spain).

25-01-2017    Training

The Seminar began with a welcome message by the Mayor of Binissalem, Mr. Andreu Villalonga, and an introductory speech by the IAEC General Secretary, Ms. Marina Canals.

Immediately, the Spanish philosopher, Mr Joan Manel del Pozo, gave the conference “Educating City and Local Governance“ before a public composed by all kind of educational actors of the Balearic city. Later on, the assistants could debate the conceptual framework with a workshop moderated by the Brazilian philosopher, Ms Angélica Sátiro.

On Wednesday 25, there was a second session of the Seminar addressed to representatives of the different local departments.

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