The Educating Cities attentive to the new challenges arising from the Syrian crisis
In the last few weeks Europe and the Mediterranean region are living one of the biggest and fastest migrations in history. This situation is bringing hustle and bustle in the lives of many people and cities.
The Charter of Educating Cities explicitly mentions the concern for the newly arrived and the refugees and cities evidence of empathy and solidarity with the Syrian refugees.
Local governments are at the forefront of managing integration and diversity, as they are laboratories of policy innovation and they make an important contribution to social cohesion through the most diverse and multidisciplinary initiatives.
We offer you a sample of experiences and reference documents contained in the Association’s databank which can be of inspiration for setting up local policies fostering integration.
You could consult the good practices here
Art. 16 of the Charter of Educating Cities
“The city must be aware of the mechanisms of exclusion and marginalization that affect it and of their various forms, and develop the affirmative action policies needed. Special concern is needed for newly arrived persons, whether immigrants or refugees, who have the right to freely feel that their adoptive city is their own. The city shall strive to foster social cohesion amongst its neighbourhoods and inhabitants of all walks of life.”
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